The Power of 'yet'

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Hello again!


It's me, Tim. I'm back with my blog that aims to help improve your practice. This week, I want to show you how the word 'yet' can help you believe in yourself.


Practice is a game of belief. If I hadn’t seen my friend perform a muscle pass, I wouldn’t have had the mental fortitude to continue squeezing my palm together until I could make coins fly. It is the same with learning anything hard. There has to be underneath all of the hours of practice an underlying, energizing thought - ‘I CAN do this’.


Apparently, when making the lightbulb Thomas Edison failed nearly 3,000 times! Where do you get that belief from? I would have given up after five attemps and gone back to tweeting by candle-light.


Fortunately, a psychologist by the name of Dr Carol S Dweck has written a whole book on fostering the attitude needed for achievement. It's called Mindset: Changing the Way You Think to Fulfil Your Potential. To reduce an excellent book to an oversimplified sentence: those who believe ability isn’t fixed achieve more.


The words 'talent’ and ‘genius’ speak of something fixed, solid, unmovable. However, Carol dismantles these words and shows that you’re less like an unmoveable, talentless stone and more like a hopeful jelly: flexible and fun at parties. All you have to do is believe in yourself. Obviously, there are limits to the power of belief: If you’re super tall, you probably won’t be picked for the world limbo championships. All of this aside, believing you can improve helps you do so.


The implications this has for magic are obvious. Many people don’t touch a coin because they believe it’s too hard and something they could never do. This was me five years ago. For the first 10 years of my magical life I didn’t touch a coin. Then, I worked closely with a coin magician and saw with my own two eyes that it was possible. This gave me the courage to try. I can now do things that I never thought were possible for little old me.


While reading Mindset or meeting someone who is doing the thing you want to do can help change your beliefs, there is an easier and quicker way of fostering this powerful mindset. In fact, it can be done with a single word: ‘yet’. 


When you’ve dropped the coin for the hundredth time, and the inner voice says, ‘I can’t do this,’ add the word ‘yet’ to the end. ‘I can’t do this yet’. It completely changes the phrase and adds a hopeful–dare I say optimistic–slant. It suggests that you’re not the finished product. You’re learning and improving. I’ve found this useful when learning a tough routine and when facing problems in life. When you’re struggling with that retention, reach for your friendly neighbourhood word… ‘yet’.


Have you heard of Carol Dweck or this mindset? What are your beliefs on talent? What routines have you struggled with but overcome? Let me know in the comments. I’d love to hear from you.


I hope this simple idea helps! Until next time,


Stay magical.


COINtinue >>>


  • osaka vienna

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  • osaka vienna

    I once encountered the harrowing consequences of a cryptocurrency scam, which plunged me into a deep sense of despair. I can attest, from personal experience, that it is truly a nightmare. My investment, a substantial sum in Ethereum, was effectively held hostage by an online investment platform. I had anticipated significant returns; however, I was oblivious to the impending distressing experience. As time progressed, my initial excitement morphed into anguish upon realizing that the platform I had trusted was nothing more than a cleverly devised scheme aimed at defrauding unsuspecting individuals passionate about the cryptocurrency market, leaving us feeling exposed, deceived, and hard to trust again. I discovered CYBERGENIEHACKPRO upon embarking on a money recovery journey, a team of experts specializing in asset recovery, dedicated to assisting victims in tracing and reclaiming their misappropriated funds. The process of recovering my lost Ethereum seemed daunting, as I had previously read that cryptocurrency transactions are untraceable and irretrievable. However, CYBERGENIEHACKPRO has proven this notion to be incorrect. Although the recovery process was intricate, I was elated to learn that my lost assets had been successfully retrieved. To anyone who may find themselves in a similar unfortunate situation, I strongly urge you to maintain hope and seek out CYBERGENIEHACKPRO through a Google search. I recommend contacting C Y B E R G E N I E (@) C Y B E R S E R V I C E S (.) C O M for valuable money recovery advice. Their private website can be found at ~ https ://cyber-genie-hackpro. info/ ~.

  • tom tylor

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  • Matthew M.

    Excellent post. Quietly but deeply inspiring. I had a sort of reverse of this. I was becoming pretty confident in my coin skills, but card sleights were, I perceived, out of my reach. It took me going to my first convention and a well respected, and very generous card magician to help me feel like I could add the word “yet” to card magic for myself. Of course I need to re-remind myself to keep this frame of mind, but hey…such is life.

  • Filip

    Hi Tim,

    Many thanks for this inspiring article.

    For years I’ve not touched coins exactly because of this.

    Then I got me a set of CCC and practiced for hours and hours until I nailed it. Well until I was able to perform and turned it into something personal.

    But then that was it. I didn’t learn anything new since then as somehow I wasn’t to make the moves work for me. But honestly this article just sparked the initial drive in used to have when working with the CCC.

    Many thanks

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