Rule of Thirds is a captivating look at third finger curl palm (a.k.a. Nowhere palm).
You won't recognize Rooster is using this move. That is because of his expert handling and understanding of body language. Dream big and dive in deep with new sleights you have never imaged could make coin magic this visual.
Enjoy Rooster's motivational teaching that will leave you ready to perform all these elegant sleights. This is Rule of Thirds. Get it now!
You Will Learn
- All the new fine details to make your third finger the most deadly weapon in your coin magic arsenal.
- Multiple sleights, like Third Finger Himber Vanish, Doppler Production, and the Topple Retention. All are practical and fun to perform.
- Plus, multiple variations to each sleight!
- You want the spectator to burn your hands while performing most moves! The moves are the magic moments.
- How to manage your audience and project your body language so you don't get caught.
- Three complete, direct routines that will make you shine!
What is Included?
- An Introduction to third finger curl palm and an overview of it's application.
- Teaching for both beginners and seasoned performers to advance their handlings
- Each section has a slow motion review of sleights taught. Practice your handling with Rooster.
- Learn with our revolutionary DAVE (Digital Annotated Video Experience) System. We combine book & video together to help you learn FASTER!
- This is a digital product. Bring your own coins or get yours here. You will need three matching coins (for example 3 silver coins) and a different coin (for example, a tiger tan).
Why is this project unique?
Rooster really knows this subject. He has been performing these routines and ideas at paid gigs and on social media for the last decade. You will be amazed at what he is doing and how quickly some of the sleights develop in your own hands.
Because Rooster is a worker, these routines are workers, too. Meaning, the magic is universal and not personal. Sometimes you feel like you need special powers or oddly shaped hands to perform someone else's work. Not so here, friend.
The sleights and routines will individually find their way into your performance and practice, giving you that fresh needed update to your old patterns that can easily become stale.
It's time to revamp your palms and handling of coins so that your hands look natural and at ease in performance. Rule of Thirds is your new solution. Get it now!
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We Believe Details Matter
Every release features quality, time tested work. Every product. Every time.

We're For Everyone
Copeland Coins gives you the tools and teaching to create astonishing moments, no mater what your coin magic experience. Card magic folks are welcome here, too!