Corner Pocket is Jeff Copeland's adaptation of the classic coin to pocket plot.
In the routine, the coin jumps inside the magician's pocket not once, but twice. Both times in full view and without any possible explanation. Immediately following the first two demonstrations, the magician further proves his abilities by making the coin jump out of the pocket in the most visual manner ever!
Any skill level can enjoy and perform this streaming download routine.
Quick Stats
- A trick for all skill levels!
- Digital streaming product featuring the DAVE system
- Receive instant access upon purchase
- Learn in about 20 minutes
- An audience tested, "worker" routine
- Supply your own coins (Works great with US Half Dollars or any medium to small coin you can borrow!)
Learn with DAVE
Get Corner Pocket today and you can learn to amaze audiences in record time, because this streaming video features the Copeland Coin's original teaching method: DAVE.
DAVE, or the Digital Annotated Video Experience, is quite possibly the best and most comprehensive way to learn magic via streaming video instructions.
Corner Pocket includes a video that teaches all the visuals and timing to the tricks. As well, lecture style notes and photographs synch with the video to give advanced tips and thoughts in order to give your magic the best impact. Learn all about DAVE here.
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We Believe Details Matter
Every release features quality, time tested work. Every product. Every time.

We're For Everyone
Copeland Coins gives you the tools and teaching to create astonishing moments, no mater what your coin magic experience. Card magic folks are welcome here, too!