This listing is for Engraving ONLY.
Select this option to engrave your Copeland Coin Box lid. By adding this item to the cart, you are adding the ten point star engraving to your Copeland Coin Box order from the previous page.
Again, this listing is for "add on" engraving only and is not for physical coin box lids.
Directions: 1. Choose the size of lid. 2. Then, choose the shape: round or square. 3. Finally, choose the quantity and we will match this purchase with the other part of your order from the Copeland Coin Box page. So please, make these selections line up with the coin boxes you are purchasing.
Note: Price is per lid. If you order a set of coin boxes and only want some lids engraved, select the quantity desired.
The Ten Point Star
People have asked me about the 10 point star engraved lid seen in a few of the photos. If you are desiring a more ornate box, I've chosen one design to offer that I felt was universally magical to both box styles.
The ten points represent what have been called the "ten theories" of magic found in Tarbell's Course on Magic Vol 1. I hope through creativity, all ten concepts and more may be achieved with the Copeland Coin Box!
An interesting geometric design, I find that my mind desires to make triangles across the points on the face of the star, but since it has an even number of vertices, one can spin it indefinitely and never find the last triangle!
This was actually a time consuming and expensive add on to the box design and therefore, it has a nominal upgrade fee. As you can see from the pictures, it adds a little pizazz and extra crevices to tarnish and build character to your box. As well, I only ordered a couple dozen lids in each style, so there is a very limited quantity available.
[And to answer any questions...Unfortunately at this time, I can not do custom designs on the box. Due to machine programing costs and order processing time it would not be feasible. However, the boxes are made of solid brass, which is a soft metal and could be custom engraved if you have connections to a person who does metal engraving.]
I hope you will agree, this unique star was a fine little addition to the new boxes!
Jeff Copeland
The Ten Theories of Magic
The classic list found in Tarbell's course on magic:
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