The Dragon coin set with it's historically inspired, scalloped edge has the best grip of any coin ever manufactured for sleight of hand magic. Unique and one of a kind, Dragon dollar and half dollar sized coins reward the professional performer with every detail: expert grip, solid weight, perfect dimensions, ferromagnetic material, and a vivid, engaging story.
These coins were designed specifically for sleight of hand magic with an edge that practically grips in your palm for you. Smoothed face details and thickness similar to that of circulated real silver US dollar and half dollar coins make these coins perform like a dream.
This cold, dark steel coin has a superior tarnish resistant coating that reflects light and provides a beautiful contrast to all your real silver or Copeland Coins brand coins.
As we simply state: These coins were engineered for professional magic.
Quick Stats
- Same DIAMETER and THICKNESS as circulated United States Morgan Silver Dollars (38mm) & Walking Liberty Half Dollars (30.61mm)
- TEXT and IMAGERY that mimic REAL currency of the time period.
- DOLLAR size is St. Martha and the Dragon themed
- HALF DOLLAR size is the Defeated Knight and Hatching Dragon themed
- SCALLOPED edges that create a grip like no other coin
- Solid steel that will attract to your MAGNETIC props and hold outs.
- Shinny, tarnish resistant coating.
- Smoothed face details so coins always feel thin and lay flat.
- Dollar size coins weighs a sold 20 GRAMS
- Half dollar size weighs a firm 11 GRAMS
- Sized to fit in Blackbird or the Traveler/Viajero Wallet
- Inspired by a historical legend. See more below.
- These details: size, thickness, weight, and texture makes these coins manipulate like real money...Maybe even better!
Available Options
- Half Dollar Coin (30.6mm)
- Dollar Coin (38mm)
- Half Dollar & Dollar (2 coins total)
- Two Half Dollars (2 coins total)
- Two Dollars (2 coins total)
- Creatures's Album: Custom printed Creatures Album includes Dollar and Half Dollar Dragon Coin set plus a bonus yellow Copeland Decoder Coin for free (3 coins total. Additional coins to collect in this album will be sold separately.)
About the Design
"St. Martha the Dragon Slayer"!? If you read or speak Provençal, a near forgotten dialect of Southern France that was once the language of troubadours and cultured speakers, you'd know that is the text found on the new Dragon Coins.
According to an apocryphal legend, St. Martha, the sister of Lazarus, headed west and became a dragon assassin in the mid first century (A.D. 48). It has long been claimed that when St. Martha arrived to France, she brought liberty to the region of Provence by defeating the menacing Tarasque, a terrifying dragon that swallowed men whole. The Tarasque was the kind of terrible beast that no one who saw it lived to tell the tale.
Our dollar sized Dragon Coin gives a glimpse into this epic legend with St. Martha on the heads side, subduing the dragon with a goblet of holy water by the river banks. Her pose is inspired by the beloved classic look of the Walking Liberty Lady found on several historical coins. The reverse side features the defeated and tethered aquatic dragon, knelling into submission. The coin captures the moment St. Martha is victorious and the legend lives on for centuries.
Our half dollar sized Dragon Coin face features the hatching of a baby Tarasque that will someday be a menace once again. The reverse side is a fallen knight's helmet, which represents all those valiant fighters who attempted to defeat the dragon and failed. Around the knights helmet, the Provençal inscription reads, "SOI VENGUT PER CRETRE I A UNA DESFACHA PER TOTES," "I have come to believe that there is a defeat for everyone."
Let the Dragon Coin Set be a reminder for us all, though we have and ourselves can be saints and heroes who can rise up and defeat the obvious giants and dragons; it is the little, overlooked things in life that will grow up to destroy us. If we leave even the smallest dangers, evil thoughts, unhealthy patterns, and addictions in our own lives unchecked, they will one day soon grow into full grown torment and be the defeat for each and every one of us.
This is the Copeland Coins Dragon Set, designed and created by Jeff Copeland for sleight of hand magic and every day carry. Graphics by Edo Huang. Get yours TODAY! They are included in April 2024 Loop membership.
*Please Note: Each coin is hand groomed to have small variations and the appearance of light circulation in the real world. For this reason each coin will have small, intentional variances in color. Coins purchased in sets are matched to look the same.
Dragon Coins are historical fiction and have no cash value.
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